Thank you to everyone who submitted to the poetry contest this month, there were a lot of really compelling poems but the winner we decided on was Luna Teal for their piece "The Fox ad the Moon." Congratulations!
The Fox and The Moon
A Fairy Tale by Luna Teal
The curious fox looked upon the moon,
Whose glow long drew his eye.
He chased this sight throughout the night
Then leaped unto the sky.
The sting of cold did fade right quick
When the moon mother he saw.
High up in space, a cool embrace
Did make the ice fast thaw.
“Hello my child, what brings thee here?
thou leap far from thy bed.”
With silver grace, she took a pace
And pet his eager head.
“O lady moon I wish to ask
These simple questions are three.
O lady fair above the air
Would you do much for me?”
“Of course my child, what say thee here?”
Did ask the glowing light.
Her tender tongue, 'twas as if sung,
Did further chill the night.
“The daylight sun grows trees and wheat,
And the dead the stars do guide.
But you o moon, though fair in tune
Does nothing to you bide?”
“My dear red child,” moon mother said
“Thou see not all I do.
I put to sleep the rabb’ and sheep;
To make food just for you.”
The curious fox was stunned for he
Had thought not of this truth.
Comes next the second, and this he beckoned
With wonder for her sooth.
“Well on some eaves, you sit in wait
And encroach on his array
Well hark me this, when you eclipse
Why block the Lord of Day?”
The mother moon then shook her head.
“The sun I do not harm
I carry him when sore and slim,
He slouches on my arm.”
“For even if he may be bright
And shine all great and grand,
Even the tall can slip and fall
And need a helping hand”
A simple nod the fox did give,
To this, he did agree.
“One question more, if you will endure,
And then I'll leave you be”
“This cycle repeats every month,
You fade and disappear.
But one sun’s burn, and you return
To glow upon the mere?”
“We all must do what e’er we need
To keep a happy mind
Take time to ponder, time to wander
Or rest where none can find.”
The small red face of the fox did turn,
His outlook now quite queer
The lady bright, with calming might,
She said the last thing to hear
“thou came to me with questions three,
And leave now pure of heart
But lord of day does come this way,
And sorrow, we must part.”