By Angel Scott
Native American Heritage Day is celebrated the day after Thanksgiving, to bring both awareness and honor to the Native families that were massacred, as well as those still being taken from us today. Many people only focus on the horrors of the first Thanksgiving, however, Indigenous people are still being captured today and their cultures and customs are being lost.
One of the trademarks of Native American appearance are the two long braids worn to commemorate their ancestors. This is a tradition that is continuously being practiced, and the process of braiding has much significance. Each strand signifies the body, spirit, and mind. While braiding it is important to only think positive thoughts so you are tying the good into your hair and releasing the negative. Along with braiding, it is tradition to keep your hair long to represent pride and to shed light onto all of the Natives who were forced into residential schools and had their hair cut short.
Another prevalent practice in Indigenous culture is the burning of white sage and beading. White sage is used to release unwanted spirits and bad energy. There are many other customs such as dream catchers made to send away negative feelings and bad luck. There are also practices such as beading which signify more wealthy tribes and are important for marriage ceremonies, and in the past, used for treaties. Natives are very welcoming and sell their beadwork to all ethnicities now, in order to show their handiwork and introduce more people into the culture.
Many people are unaware of the dark history of residential schools and how they have affected Indigenous people. These schools stripped Natives of their culture, language, and as mentioned before, their hair. Spanning from the 1880s to the late 1990’s, children were forced off their reserves, and taken to these schools; they often would never see their parents again. The overall goal of these schools was to erase the culture of the Indigenous and force Natives to conform to a Christian, Americanized lifestyle.
Indigenous people have been targeted and treated terribly for years, causing many of their traditions to be lost. It is important to educate yourself and treat Natives with the respect they deserve. It is a heritage that has been forced to slowly die off and there is work being put forth every day by tribes to keep their land and constantly keep their heritage alive. So this Thanksgiving, remember to appreciate the cultures and traditions of all native tribes, and have a very happy Native American Heritage Day!