Haoua Saley & Kidney Shilling

Photo by Kidney Shilling
Wow! After weeks of non-stop rehearsals, tap practice and so many broken eggs, closing night has finally come. Though the night was bittersweet it was amazing. Emotion poured from the actors into the audience members who filled the seats of the Maryland theater and the crew behind the stage executed flawless set changes. All audience members found an image of joy finding the little golden nuggets of references to other musicals littered throughout. The laughs were unlike any other but what really made the night closing night was the absolute end when the cast bowed. You could see the emotion come over the cast, crew and audience and after the standing ovation Caleb Baer, who played Shakespeare, called for everyone attention as the cast and crew put together bouquets of flowers for their first ever student stage & crew managers, Evan Smedly and Mackenize Guynes, and the directors Mrs.Lewis, Mrs.Ruark and Mrs.Reynolds. His speech to everyone was heartfelt and tearful but so impactful. You could tell that there was nothing but pure love and appreciation in every single word he said to them. And you could tell from the look in the cast and crew members' eyes behind him they all felt the same way.
The cast came out after the performance to sign playbills and to meet the audience members. Emotions were still running high as all their hard work had finally paid off until the end. Cast and Crew had all worked together through curtains and through yolk covered stages and after the performance you could tell that they were not just cast and crew but they had become a family.
Photo by Kidney Shilling

While the play was a little raunchy and was not made for all audiences it was still amazing to see the entire show put together by students that you go to class with. Oftentimes during the show I would look up and say to myself I literally have class with them tomorrow or I might pass by them in the hallway tomorrow. Remembering that I have friends on that stage performing their yolks out and kicking omelets was an amazing feeling. Though the shows are over that doesn’t mean anyone who contributed into the production should feel as if the experience is over. This was the first show our school has had in two years and this performance showed the COVID did not change anything for it. The theater department and BISFA as a whole is still running strong and no pandemic can take away the true magic that is BISFA.
Nathan Lashbaugh as Nick Bottom & Jake Milburn as Nigel Bottom
Photo by Kidney Shilling

For the readers who couldn’t attend this year's performance we highly encourage you to plan to see (or even audition to be a part of) next year's musical! We wanted to take time and give a moment to all the seniors that showed up and showed out in this performance. You all have such amazing talent that really prevailed and made the show oh so amazing. The Phantom is wishing each and every single one of you an amazing after high school experience and we are hoping to see you come visit BISFA and don’t let go of what talent you have all shown us.
Though the road was rocky, littered with potholes and speed bumps, there was a clear road ahead. Students who participated in the show did amazing and you should all be so proud of yourselves. Now please SLEEP. You all deserve a nice bucket of ice cream and a good night's rest. Thank you all for bringing us to the renaissance.